Calling back your Power!

This has been a amazing week for me. It took me a year of lessons after I believed I was ready, to move forward with this website. Now, looking back over 2011, after learning so much about who I am,  I’m sure glad I didn’t!  Most of this year was spent in one kind of spiritual exercise or another. The clarity I gained was more about who I am not.  I am not a sweet loving Angel, although I love many who are. I am not an evidential Medium, but I do often connect with loved ones. I am not a Psychic who can exhume your past or a Prophet who predicts your future. I am not a Shaman but I have great respect for their practices and enjoy journeying. I am not a Channel for a Supreme Being, but I do get messages.  I am no expert on Mayan Astrology but I love interpreting energy signatures.  I am not a devotee to Sufism but have touched the face of the Beloved thru Zikr. What I have learned is that there are many sacred tools you can use to call back your power.  I practice a number of them. Once you regain your power you will have the strength to explore your life purpose. Once you discover your life purpose, you will need courage to live it!  My word for 2012 is Regardless….Regardless of what anyone else thinks, says or does, I will live MY life. I choose, above all else, to be authentic. In this moment I have called back MY Power. It is my wish to help others do the same.

Love, Melynnda*