I am and I am not.

I am not enlightened. I do not claim supreme spiritual understanding.
I realize I am in judgement when I say I don’t believe anyone is.
I am not a vegan or a purist. I try my best not to harm the planet or her inhabitants.
I still watch TV, drink coffee and eat chocolate.
I’m a grandma, mother, wife, sister and daughter.
My friends and family can confirm I do not always act spiritual.
I hold no degree in Psychology or any certificates that validate my worth.
I am a recovered addict. I am prone to the illusion of suffering.
I prefer quiet to small talk.
I no longer care about being right. I do have regrets but I am smarter because of them.
I forgive others quickly. I love myself unconditionally. I don’t like my ego very much.
I am currently the best version of myself I have ever been.
I see into people and feel their suffering.
I have never traveled outside of North America.
I have traveled to the place where I no longer have questions,
where there is absolute calm and no need for form. This realm I call Source,
The Creative Void or The Everything.
When I feel off-track I take myself to this place and realize how simply
beautiful it is to be alive.
I believe in prayer as a loving gesture to promote healing and love for one another.
I don’t believe Aliens or Jesus is coming back to save us. This time it’s on us.
I believe forgiveness and gratitude are the secret keys to healing.
I believe we each have a unique divine purpose vitally important to
contribute to humanity.
My gift is to help you heal so you can step fully into the best version of you.

Peacock Energy

I’m an observer for the most part. Disinclined to make the first move. Once invited, in a warm caring way I take my time developing relationships with people who are genuine. I tend to attract people who are in the process of or ready to, change. Those that aren’t steer clear of me and I’m good with that. I like to look people in the eye. You can tell a lot about a person by how quickly they look away. I have a code, I don’t “read” anyone unless I am invited. This code has served me well.

But now, as we face the inevitable Shift of the Ages….I feel that my code is about to change. I’m not sure how or what it will look like. What I do know is that the “Rules” we have self imposed are about to change. Drastically.

I am aware that the first changes may be more internal than external….but the external is not far behind.

Peacock Energy is unfolding.
Representative of glory, immortality, royalty, and incorruptibility. Obviously, a possessor of some of the most admired human characteristics, the peacock is a symbol of integrity and the beauty that can be achieved when we endeavor to better ourselves.

And better ourselves we must. Individually and collectively.