Chakra Bootcamp begins November 5th, 2012

Are you ready to commit to living intuitively and strengthen your connection to the Angelic Realm?

Learn simple techniques to reconnect to your higher self and keep your energy clear.

7 weeks of email mentoring focused on clearing and balancing your Chakras using proven techniques with the support of the Angelic Realm.

Lessons emailed on Monday, Q&A emails throughout the week, One weekly 15 minute distance chakra clearing.

Tool kit needed: Pendulum, Clear Quartz Crystal, Sea Salt. Journal. Incense. Positive Intentions.

Registration open to 5 students, $125 for 7 week intensive, may be paid weekly $17.85 each week via Paypal. This session runs November 5th thru December 23rd.

Please email me at if you are interested or have questions.

Love & Light, Melynnda*


Keep teaching, you are an amazing, kind, patient and loving teacher. I never felt judged or afraid to ask anything. God Bless you, peace, love and light.  Linda

Cathy Albergo of MBS Healing Arts: I really enjoyed working with Melynnda, she taught me many new things and actual practices to advance my skills.
I would recommend her highly to help you develop your spiritual self .




When not so good things happen in our lives they can affect us deeply. Some of these strike us to our core and impact on our lives for many years. What happens though when you go one step further from that and believe that this ‘bad’ stuff is actually a part of us, in every cell, through our DNA? Does this make us un-fixable, broken? Are we in a battle that can never be undone?

We all know that some behaviours are learned. We learn from a very early age and are shaped by the people around us- our families in particular. If you have experienced poor parenting as a child, abusive encounters, trauma of any kind, be it short term or prolonged, those impact on you in so many ways until they are addressed and healed. We can often heal most other things in our lives, but the ones that…

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We need each other

I wrote this piece in April, 2009

I know spring is really here when my hummingbirds come back. This year they bought a message with them…….

Twice in two days I had to rescue the female from the garage. She was desperately trying to get out thru the closed window, anxiously beating her wings trying to head toward the light.  What she couldn’t see in her panic was that what she needed was a friend, someone to help her to stop and look for another way out.

This message was recently repeated in my women’s group. We did an exercise in letting go. Our intention was letting go of something in our life that no longer serves us. We found our answers during the meditation. Each answer was unique and specific. All we needed was a friend to help us stop and look for another way out.  One woman realized a profound Truth…”The sweetness of Life is within ME.” 


Coming together in a group has a precious dynamic that feeds my soul. Meditating with friends helps me to stop and look for another way out.  


Artist~Jody Bergsma


Hummingbird Symbology: Joy, Vitality & Renewal.  

Did you know, when they fly their wings are tracing the Infinity Symbol?






True North

All my life I have struggled with finding my True North. Attempts at heading  purposefully in the direction of self-love and empowerment were derailed by bi-polar swings masked by addiction and a strong Actress archetype. For years all I prayed for was Inner Peace. Balance, Moderation and Discernment were the keys to the peace, yet not within my clouded mental grasp. Slowly and Painfully I have pulled to me a new center. A center which surprised me a few days ago. Flying high after a few climactic days of energy work, sessions and collaborations, I began to feel sad….not empty, depressed or devastated. There were no tears.



The next day I woke with such gratitude. Fully embracing the bliss of numerous uplifting encounters followed by mere sadness….this is a huge breakthrough  for me. One long overdue. This may be a slow realization…experienced numerous times over the past year. Now, as I consider the image of a pendulum swinging…..full expansion no longer needs to be “balanced” by full contraction.  

Inner Peace
