We need each other

I wrote this piece in April, 2009

I know spring is really here when my hummingbirds come back. This year they bought a message with them…….

Twice in two days I had to rescue the female from the garage. She was desperately trying to get out thru the closed window, anxiously beating her wings trying to head toward the light.  What she couldn’t see in her panic was that what she needed was a friend, someone to help her to stop and look for another way out.

This message was recently repeated in my women’s group. We did an exercise in letting go. Our intention was letting go of something in our life that no longer serves us. We found our answers during the meditation. Each answer was unique and specific. All we needed was a friend to help us stop and look for another way out.  One woman realized a profound Truth…”The sweetness of Life is within ME.” 


Coming together in a group has a precious dynamic that feeds my soul. Meditating with friends helps me to stop and look for another way out.  


Artist~Jody Bergsma


Hummingbird Symbology: Joy, Vitality & Renewal.  

Did you know, when they fly their wings are tracing the Infinity Symbol?